Harley of the US Coast Guard climbs the ladder to do maintenance work on the navigation aids.
The US Coast Guard stopped by Graves Light recently to do a regular maintenance visit.
Even though Graves Light is privately owned, we have a commitment with the Coast Guard to provide regular access to maintain the beacon and fog horn.

Harley and Dave of the US Coast Guard maintain the solar-powered batteries in the Graves Light watch room.
Coast Guard AToN (Aids to Navigation) crew members Harley and Dave stopped by in their red Mustang outfits to do the maintenance work on the light and fog apparatuses.
(Coast Guard Dave is not to be confused with Light House Dave, who took the pictures.)
They patiently showed us the operation of the various devices and back-up devices used to make the lighthouse operate reliably for mariners.
The first picture shows Harley climbing 20 feet up from the rocks to the dock, with our granite blockhouse, called the Oil House, in the background.
In another picture, Harley and Dave are 80 feet up in the Watch Room, and Dave is topping off the primary batteries with USCG-distilled water. The light and fog apparatuses are solar powered, and the energy is stored in the batteries.
And 100 feet up in the Lantern Room, Dave replaces burnt-out bulbs in the automatic bulb changer.

Dave of the Coast Guard maintains the lantern in the Lamp Room, 100 feet up.
Thanks for the tour, Harley and Dave!
We’re glad to serve the Coast Guard any way we can.