We painted signs on the base of Graves Light to warn unauthorized visitors that they are trespassing.
With this beautiful summertime season opening, we’re getting a number of private inquiries from kayakers and boaters about getting access to Graves Light. Reluctantly, we have some bad news – at least for the time being.
While we’d love to invite visitors to Graves Ledge, we’re sorry to say that access is just too unsafe due to the lack of a proper dock, gangway and stairs, and the absence of any sanitary or first aid facilities. We’re in the planning stages of addressing that, but for now our insurance guy says the liability is too high.
Unauthorized visitors are trespassing
So we cannot give permission for the public to land at Graves Ledge or have access to Graves Light until the safety and liability issues are resolved. Those are expensive matters and will take quite a bit of time to fix. As a legal disclaimer, we must state that anyone at Graves Ledge without express authorization from the owners is trespassing.
Since Graves Light remains an operational aid to navigation, the Coast Guard has its own signs on the lighthouse. Those signs warn of criminal penalties.
Now, the public can still enjoy the lighthouse from the safety of one’s kayak, boat or aircraft, and certainly under water where the scuba diving is wonderful. We look forward to the day when we can say “yes” to requests to visit the Ledge and lighthouse, but for now The Graves are off-limits to the public.